Vehicle Mounted Displays for Outdoor Events

LED display technology is an amazing tool for many applications. LEDs emit their own light rather than reflecting light from a projector, so they're visible in bright environments like exhibit halls or outdoors in full sunlight. They can be viewed from almost any angle, and can be assembled as screens large enough to be suitable for huge crowds.
They also have some serious drawbacks. LED "walls" are incredibly labor intensive to set up. They have extensive rigging and support requirements, and the sheer number of LEDs makes them power-hungry - usually requiring dedicated power drops or generators when the venue power can't support them. These drawbacks have unfortunately made them impractical and cost-prohibitive for a lot of applications.
New Solutions: Vehicle-Mounted LED Displays
VIP Audio Visual Company solves these problems with our new vehicle-mounted LED displays. Towed behind a vehicle, our displays can be deployed by a single technician in a matter of minutes, eliminating the labor costs traditionally involved in "building" a display. The screen can telescope from trailer-height on the low end, to 24' high, making them visible over the crowd from long distances. The displays can hook up to a venue power source or run completely self-contained with a generator.
Endless Applications
The uses for these displays are as limitless as your imagination. Roll them to the center of an exhibit hall and use two displays back-to-back for informational signage or advertising. Place them in front of your venue to welcome attendees. Wineries now have a cost-effective solution for live auctions or movie nights on the lawn. High School and University graduation ceremonies can add video screens to outdoor venues. Place the screen behind an outdoor stage for an instant LED background wall. Host an outdoor community event at a city park or church campus. Hold your next company all-hands meeting outdoors. Or come up with the perfect solution for your own application!
The efficiency of setting up these LED displays in just a few minutes with a single operator allows us to smash the barriers that made the technology financially impractical for many events. Now the brightness, resolution, and size of LED displays are available at a lower cost and with greater convenience than ever before.
As you can imagine, these displays are in high demand, but if you need one for your next event we'd love to talk to you. Give us a call and if we've got your dates available, we'll be happy to give you a quote.
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